Little Red’s Wagon
Every donation helps make feeding the homeless here in Caldwell and Catawba Counties possible.
Thank you again for helping with this great need!
local focus
You can find us outside local shelters and other areas where the need is great.
freely given
We are faith-based and totally donation supported. Wow and Thank You! Seriously Thank You!
true compassion
W We know it is hard on those we serve and we want to make it easier.

Little Red’s Wagon seeks to bring hope with each meal we give those in need.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,…Whoever is kind to the needy honors God”

big dreams for a little wagon
Hi! My name is Brayden Frasure and I am 13 years old. Ever since I was little I wanted to help the homeless starting off with the little things like giving them an apple, a meal, or even doughnuts to help them. Now if you asked the question, “Why didn’t you just give them money?” well, I have an answer. I just don’t give them money because they could spend it on drugs or alcohol and that is bad for them.
So, I had a dream to buy a food truck so I could feed them, and now it has come true! With money I made from acting and from donations I was able to buy my food truck. I go to the local shelter in Hickory, NC once a month or so to feed the homeless. It feels really good to give.
When you give, it always comes back to you (in a good way) but especially when you give people food because that makes them feel loved and cared for when they know you took the time to make a meal for them.
The way I get money to buy the food is I work at different events like churches and take donations. Will you please donate through my website so I can supply my food truck? Thank you so much, and may God bless you for helping others that are less fortunate.

We want to thank all those who have given to help make this possible.
We look forward to feeding all those we can.
“…Whoever is kind to the needy honors God”
Proverbs 14:31